6th Grade Complete Curriculum Bundle - Standard

Middle School is here!


Our standard package for this year's student will include:

-A thorough, grade level MATHEMATICS course, printed  in two-colors, presented in a well written workbook format. The Solutions  manual is provided for us parents! (Thank you- Thank you!) This course  includes all the topics that would be found in a textbook style basal  mathematics program but in a workbook format making it easier for  the student and easier for Mom or Dad. Reviews and summaries of previously  learned topics is presented throughout the course. New concepts are  introduced in an informative; "example - now you try it - example  format." Who said pre-algebra and geometry was going to be hard?
The answers are found within the Teacher's Edition for this course.

-SCIENCE will be studied using a hardcover, colorful general science textbook. We're hooking your student up with technology too! - Alright! Internet links found throughout the textbook hook 'em up with more info on topics found within the text. When learning about buoyancy and ballast tanks (found in submarines), your student is referred to a website all about submarines. That's technology at work!
A very nice, colorful and student-friendly science course is here for your child! A selection of hands-on experiments is always part of any science curriculum - this series includes these activities as well. Every page has illustrations or graphs or photographs or crossword puzzles - something - student-immersing activities for every student to help master science! Of course...we always include an Answer Key too.

BUT WAIT! That's not all that we've included for 6th grade science. Oh-No...A really cool SCIENCE FUN KIT is provided for science FUN! Just a little something EXTRA to help lock-in science content.

-What about History? Social Studies? Continents? Cultures? Geographical Studies?
Our SOCIAL STUDIES/WORLD HISTORY  selection will cover these topics and more this homeschool year.  Studentworktext with graphs, charts, pictures, maps, and, as always, activities  will be included. Did you know chocolate was used as currency? A teacher's guide / answer key comes with the worktext too.

-An ENGLISH GRAMMAR  course in a 2-color workbook format is included as part of the Language  Arts Course selection which covers all forms of Grammar, Usage, Mechanics  and Application. This course features easy-to-identify rules, examples,  and instructions, as well as ample cross-disciplinary and cooperative-learning  activities. An Answer Key is part of this course also.

-"A homeschoolers delight" is how one Mom described our SPELLING & VOCABULARY  course/workbook. This course uses a write-in workbook format that  covers much more than just spelling. Homonyms, Synonyms, Prefixes,  Suffixes...you get the picture. This course incorporates correct  spelling, definitions, application, and word usage. Answer key is provided here too. A downright spiffy spelling& vocabulary program!

  -READING COMPREHENSION is a major factor at this grade level and it must be mastered now. Therefore, a full-color, workbook set covering that topic is included. We're talking about an incredibly nice student workbook and teacher's edition featuring comprehensive, easy-to-follow lesson plans. This course:
-Introduces comprehension skills in easy-to-understand terms
-Motivates reading with high-interest selections written on a specific - 6th grade reading level
-Connects topic and skill to a writing activity and reviews and maintains previously taught skills
-Engages children with interactive exercises that incorporate their interests.

  -OH YES! Our Standard Packages always consist of: A FREE gift for the student, A Full-Year schedule of all Core Courses, Record Keeping Forms, Report Card form, Transcript Form, and a Teaching & Scheduling Guide... 

Just think...not long before they'll be driving!!

Your student will sail through 6th grade!

  • Published by: HSB


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