1st Grade Complete Curriculum Bundle - Standard


1st  Grade - The beginning of a fantastic elementary journey!

Ready for Mastering the 3 R's? Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic!

This school year, our 1st grade standard package has within it:

  -A classic, grade level MATHEMATICScourse in a write-in workbook format is part of this year's course offerings.
This easy to use, grade level math course is written in a direct instructionstyle. No Common Core - Just Good Ole' Fashioned Arithmetic! We are includingboth a Student Write-In Workbook & Teacher'sedition for a very fine - complete Math program! This courseemphasizes basic math skills and problem-solving strategies while providing asolid math foundation... exactly what your student needs to master math!

-SCIENCE   this year will bestudied using a wonderful, new, STEM Science program, a full-color scienceworkbook and a plain Jane workbook covering STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering, Mathematics with lots of activities. 

AND... SCIENCE TOOLS! a mighty Magnetand Magnifier for your little explorer.

-SOCIAL STUDIES/HISTORY will bestudied using a student reader, activity workbook, and test booklet. You willutilize History for the Classical Child - the Story of the World Volume 1:Ancient Times - From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor.

-An ENGLISH/GRAMMAR course using aHomeschool friendly workbook is part of this package as well. All the skillsfor; grammar and usage, sentences, mechanics, writing stories, study  skills, word lists, and references will be studied as a part of the LanguageArts Course selection.

-HANDWRITING must be included.Remember traditional manuscript? Good old fashioned writing? Block letters?Yeppers - that's what our students will be using to begin masteringhandwriting. They'll be using a write-in workbook to assist them. Your childrenwill be writing numbers, writing lower-case and capital manuscript letters andlearning all the 'FUN'damentals of handwriting.

-No first grade package would be complete without PHONICS!This full-color student workbook provides experience recognizing and combiningsounds in order to read; words, phrases, sentences, and stories. This coursesharpens visual discrimination while strengthening reading comprehensionskills.

-Also! Another PHONICS program foractive students! Aren't they all active? This Scrambled Sentences set includes4 workbooks, covering, Alphabet, Sight Words, Word Families, and Phonics.Challenge your student to form a fun sentence from scrambled words.

 -A colorful, phonics based, SPELLINGworkbook for your student is found in this package too. Spelling &Vocabulary, Spelling & Phonics, Spelling & Reading, Spelling &Writing , Spelling and...enough spelling already!

- And... - READING COMPREHENSION...served up to you and your student is   an excellent duo - a student andanswer key - a set! covering Reading Comprehension skills and activities. Thisset is in full color with 95 pages of strategies for your child to derivemeaning from reading.
-An excellent WRITING SUPPLEMENT isincluded to supplement your child's learning throughout the year as it directlyrelates to composition/writing. This is a basic writing skills workbook.

-OH YES! Our Standard Packages always consist of: AFREE gift for the student, A Full-Year schedule of all Core Courses, RecordKeeping Forms, Report Card Form, Transcript Form, and a Teaching &Scheduling Guide along with a Certificate of Completion, suitable for framing.

A Wonderful Beginning!

Your student is on her (or his) way to educational EXCELLENCE!

  • Published by: HSB


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