2nd Grade Complete Curriculum Bundle - Standard

2nd Grade!

Steadily working his/her way through Elementary school.

We'll help you make this an outstanding year of homeschooling because your student will be utilizing:

 -A classic, grade level MATHEMATICScourse in a write-in workbook format is part of this year's course offerings. SAXON Mathematics Homeschool Bundle
This easy to use, grade level math course is written in a direct instructionstyle. No Common Core - Just Good Ole' Fashioned Arithmetic! We are includingboth a Student Write-In Workbook & Teacher'sedition for a very fine - complete Math program! This courseemphasizes basic math skills and problem-solving strategies while providing asolid math foundation... exactly what your student needs to master math!

-SCIENCE, Science and one more for good measure... Science - This year's students are going to be utilizing an excellent, hardcover student textbook. Of course it's full color and very visual. Topic: General Science studies with plenty of activities to keep young learners - learning - That's what we do. They'll be studying about Plants, Simple Machines, Geology, Energy, Matter, Habitats and a long list of other great science topics. Science made relevant to your child's life, interesting and FUN!
A SCIENCE FUN KIT  is added to this year's science mixture. 

-Learning about our our Communities... from Government to people and family heritage, as well as how they all relate to each other will provide the basis for your students' SOCIAL STUDIES/HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY program for 2nd grade. You'll be using a full-color, hardbound textbook covering basic history, culture and geography integrated with biographical information and reading, writing, and thinking strategies.

-ENGLISH GRAMMAR thisyear will be considered using a comprehensive approach to English  usage, grammar, and mechanics containing content-area narratives, word study, and word usage. This course is extremely popular in the homeschool market. Easy Grammar

-HANDWRITING is at the top of the list! Of course we'll be sending you one of the most popular traditional handwriting programs we have available. A write-in workbook will be utilized. How easy is that?

-PHONICS/READING is definitely not neglected! Yes, a complete phonics course is supplied for maximum learning. An activity based phonics in a full-color workbook format for building skills in phonics, reading, writing, spelling, listening, and oral language. This is a very nice phonics program.

-A phonics based SPELLING workbook for your student is on the menu for second grade. We'll be giving you a spiffy, full color, student text containing thinking, reading, and writing activities all intertwined with each other. OK - what we mean is - concepts are taught together. Like; thinking & spelling, phonics & spelling, reading & spelling etc. - Get the idea? Hey, we're here to help!

-READING:  We're sending out a set of non-fiction reading comprehension cards.

 But wait - there's more!  (ever heard that before? - no this isn't a Ginsu knife commercial)  - We're including a workbook set consisting of both a Student Workbook  and a Teacher's Edition on the subject of: -READING COMPREHENSION - Not black & white and boring - no ma'am - rather a full-color workbook of over 120 pages - with high-interest topics to assist in mastering comprehension, sequence, themes, plots and plenty more - all for your child to master reading.

   -OH YES! Our Standard Packages always consist of: A FREE gift for the student, A Full-Year schedule of all Core Courses, Record Keeping Forms, Report Card Form, Transcript Form, and a Teaching & Scheduling Guide along with a Certificate of Completion, suitable for framing.

What more could you ask for?

This 2nd grade package will provide a solid education...

...preparing your child for the rest of elementary school and life.

  • Published by: HSB


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